SolidWorks:Heard! - Episode 341 - EPDM Wish List

EPDM Wish List:

This podcast coves my SolidWorks Enterprise PDM wish list of features I would like to see in future EPDM version to come based on the common request from customers.  Topics covered:

- Tech News followup - SW Support FAQ - July 2011

- Setting revision counters for legacy data

- Jumping or manually skipping revisions

- Notifications based on timers

- Universal web access (non-IE and mobile friendly)

Right after recording last Sunday, Monday SolidWorks pushed out the Support Monthly FAQ and I wanted to go over that before getting into my wish list.  Details on beta and some new new support articles around the release of SolidWorks 2011 SP4. SWSMFAQ is one of the highlight blog posts on the SolidWorks Forum for me and a key part of the tech news I wanted to get out.

This "Wish List" is a short list of common requests from customers of SolidWorks Enterprise PDM that seem to be requested regularly.  Since many customers are typically coming from another PDM system or no PDM system at all, getting their data into EPDM at the right revision counter is very common.  Today many of us who implement this tool use the API and build custom add-ins to achive these requests.

I am a fan of the API and the add-in framework EPDM has, however I first try to use the "out of the box" functionality first to ensure better upgrade compatibility and also to avoid having to maintain an additional code base for the add-in itself.  A few other requests seem to come up a lot from companies coming from WPDM, which have some of these feature already.  ~Lou

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