SolidWorks:HEARD! - Episode 427 - SolidWorks Mechanical Conceptual First Look


SolidWorks Mechanical Conceptual First Look:

This podcast covers the first look at the first new product announced at SolidWorks World 2013 in Orlando, Florida.  Topics covered:

- The launch of SW Mechanical Conceptual

- Product focus and capabilities

- Simulation options

- Communication options

- Workflow used with SolidWorks on the desktop 

- What "always connected" means

- Availability and thoughts

Well today was the day we have been waiting for since SolidWorks World 2010 in Anaheim, CA.  Fielder Hiss took the stage and announced a new 3DExperience platform (no really that is the name of the platform) that is "always connected and will bring conceptual design and collaboration to the SolidWorks offering.

Unlike the last announcement, this product looks similar, like most of the DS products do, in the UI but had a much larger list of functions focused on both history and direct modeling techniques.  The feature list included function like sketching, dynamic movement, simulation, version control, chat, communities, and the list went on.

I wanted to simply talk about what we know and what was shown since we have no more answers than we did the last time.  There are dates but those can be pushed however I think due to the scope of the list of features, this product might have merit once users can get in and start modeling. ~Lou

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SolidWorks:Heard! - Episode 395 - Transition to Cloud

Transition to Cloud:

This podcast discusses the possible scenarios that SolidWorks could take with their introduction of SolidWorks V6.  Make not mistake, this is not an all or nothing choice but the move has more questions than answers at this point. Topics covered:

- What we know about SolidWorks V6

- What we still have to learn

- What the "Cloud" can offer

- Possible options for the transition to the V6 platform for SW users

- Miscellaneous questions and how to be ready

To say that SolidWorks has been quiet about the next generation of SolidWorks would be an understatement, especially since we are approaching 3 years since we saw a first take at SW World 2010.  Not only was SolidWorks shown as a cloud-based app running on a number of devices, it was demod in front of it's biggest fans and the CAD press.  Looking back, many would say they let the cat out of the bag way too early, but caused an uprising of doubt of the future of SolidWorks itself.

Like many technology previews, SolidWorks V6 has been the topic of conversation on many blogs and commenters around the web.  The web is something we all use in and out of work for a variety of applications, however when discussions about moving our precious CAD tools to the web start, the open-mindedness goes right out the window.  I believe this is because many of the necessary technologies are brand new or are not fully adopted yet, therefore the desktop works so why "fix it"?

If this move request the "all in" approach, I believe the transition will not happen for a vast majority of users.  A platform shift of this magnitude required a long list of benefits as well as a gradual transition period.  Taking a lesson from the mobile platforms like iOS and Android would tech us that "Apps" are designed for local performance while harnessing the cloud for collaboration, sync and other powerful cloud services. ~Lou

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