SolidWorks:HEARD! - Episode 417 - TeamPlatform



This podcast covers a cloud-based service for design teams to collaborate, communicate and manage their projects called TeamPlatform.  Topics covered:

- Signup process and subscription options

- Dashboard (your TP at a glance)

- Workspaces & Pages

- File uploads and 3D CAD support

- Discussions and Tasks

- Sharing Controls (private & public

- Overall impressions

I am thrilled to see that the cloud-based, collaboration arena for 3D continues bring new players to the table with their own take on how it is to be done.  I have often brought up SolidWorks 3DTeamWorks on this show since it was a product so far ahead of its time and TeamPlatform  reminds me of that on steroids.

Services like and GrabCAD have emerged for different reasons but ultimately making the ability to view 3D CAD on the cloud a browser based tool.  TeamPlatform packs project management, file collaboration and version control all into a hosted space with a nuumber of uses.  It reminds me of an Engineering focused version of BaseCamp from 37 Signals.

I love the fact that the folks at TeamPlatform also have pushed their API up to GitHub and provided a number of methods to connect via their API (paid versions) to integrate this service into the numerous tools being used inside your company.

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