SolidWorks:Heard! - Episode 315 - SolidWorks World 2011

SolidWorks World 2011:

This podcast covers all the options to follow what is going on at SolidWorks World 2011 which starts tomorrow morning. Topics covered:

Blogs to watch:

Ricky Jordan
Dezign Stuff
RockSolid Perspective
SolidWorks Heard (Live blog at


SolidWorks YouTube Channel
Videos tagged SWW11
- SolidWorks Heard Tv (occasional streaming)


SWW11 group (tag sww11)

#SWW11 (SolidWorks World 2011 hashtag)
#SWWTips (tips from SWW hashtag)

SolidWorks Facebook Page

SolidWorks World has transformed over the years with the Internet so there are many places that you can virtually experience the conference. I will begin live blogging tomorrow morning at 8:15am CST which will be a timeline of events, stream of photos and other twitter correspondants as well as any audience members that would like to ask questions.  We will make it interative so it will be fun!

I will also be taking live notes in either Google Wave (publically published so you do not have to log into Wave) or Google Docs (which I will publish for download).  Since I will be going from breakout to breakout, I might parse them into mulitple documents so everyone can pick and choose.  Remember, if you want to have a certain breakout covered, send me a message any way you like and I will try to get there!  ~Lou

Remember to check out the SolidWorks: Heard! Blog and to follow me on TwitterFacebook and THE HEaRD!